The Atassi Foundation E-Library currently comprises 87 scanned books, which will grow to include more publications with time. The oldest of these dates back to 1949, and the most recent to 2021. The goal of the library is to complement our support for knowledge related to Syrian art and enhance the status of Syrian artists. With current challenges surrounding a dearth of specialised writings on Syrian art and the difficulty of accessing what does exist, the E-Library project falls under our efforts to archive, document and provide an accessible base for research.

The Atassi Foundation library contains rare, valuable books, brochures and catalogues. At present, we have only published their covers on our website. This is to protect them from unsolicited circulation and to respect copyright. Their content is available to researchers upon request.

We extend our deepest thanks to Wafaa Al-Sharaa, who gave us 36 books from her collection, and a special thanks to Sima Azhari, who volunteered to scan the books for digitisation.

We hope to expand our E-Library initiative and are happy to receive Syrian books and art catalogues to be included in the collection.

To view the contents of the library, please click on the link: E-Library

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