Tawfik Tarek, Untitled, 1913
Calling All Writers!
In one of our upcoming issues, and as part of our country focus series, we will be focusing on Paris. Since the late 19th century, Paris has been one of the main destinations for Syrian artists to study art, starting with Tawfiq Tarek at the turn of the century, and then Michael Kurcheh in the 1920s. More recently, Paris has been home to Youssef Abdelke, Ahmad Mouala and Ziad Dalloul in the 1980s, and contemporary artists such as Nour Asalia, Nagham Hodaifa, Mohammad Omran and many more.
We are looking for essays on Syrian artists who studied there, and who live and work there. We would love you to send in your ideas and we will pick one lucky winner and commission them to write an essay for our Paris issue.
An essay on Syrian artists who studied in Paris: who were they, when did they move there, what work did they produce and what relationships did they form and legacy did they leave? What influences did they have on the Syrian art scene? What trends do we see emerging from their time there and did they interact with French artists and they with them?
Word Count:
3000 words
Any other requirements?
Please do quote your sources (whether interviews, or research) and include footnotes/references.
A prize pot of $1000
Who can apply?
The call is open to all writers everywhere.
How to enter?
Please send a 300 word abstract/summary of your essay to info@atassifoundation.com by the end of August.
Calling All Writers!
In one of our upcoming issues, and as part of our country focus series, we will be focusing on Paris. Since the late 19th century, Paris has been one of the main destinations for Syrian artists to study art, starting with Tawfiq Tarek at the turn of the century, and then Michael Kurcheh in the 1920s. More recently, Paris has been home to Youssef Abdelke, Ahmad Mouala and Ziad Dalloul in the 1980s, and contemporary artists such as Nour Asalia, Nagham Hodaifa, Mohammad Omran and many more.
We are looking for essays on Syrian artists who studied there, and who live and work there. We would love you to send in your ideas and we will pick one lucky winner and commission them to write an essay for our Paris issue.
An essay on Syrian artists who studied in Paris: who were they, when did they move there, what work did they produce and what relationships did they form and legacy did they leave? What influences did they have on the Syrian art scene? What trends do we see emerging from their time there and did they interact with French artists and they with them?
Word Count:
3000 words
Any other requirements?
Please do quote your sources (whether interviews, or research) and include footnotes/references.
A prize pot of $1000
Who can apply?
The call is open to all writers everywhere.
How to enter?
Please send a 300 word abstract/summary of your essay to info@atassifoundation.com by the end of August.